Internal SSL Certs with Let's Encrypt

CodeProject [] I was reading a great article [] recently about subdomain enumeration services and it got me thinking about Let's Encrypt and internal domains. It's common to run a split-domain setup where there's a single domain…

Why Become a Member - My Philosophy

I wrote this post to explain my philosophy and approach to IT - some of the basic principles that underline every topic you will learn as a member - and most importantly why you should become a member of this site.…

Exploring My .bashrc In 2021

I figure the beginning of the year is as good a time as any to take a walk through my personal .bashrc file and see if I can remember what everything does…

Welcome, Fellow Admin!

Welcome, fellow weary traveler! This is the Solo Admin blog - the blog for IT professionals who are flying solo or an indispensable member of a small team.…